
Showing posts from November, 2020

Final Post - No Text Chapter - Social Media and Marketing- extra notes

  Facebook:  Coca-Cola today has over 96 million fans on Facebook.  C oca Cola also has fan pages for its other products like Coca Cola Zero, diet coke. Diet coke has around 2.5 million fans and Coca Cola Zero has around 6.8 million fans despite the fact that it is updated very rarely. Instagram:  Instagram is one of the latest booming social media platforms and Coca-Cola has tapped this market too. Today, they have over 1 million followers and over 480 posts on their Instagram page and it is growing every day. Twitter:  Coca Cola’s main twitter feed has 3.11 mill ion followers and has tweeted 143 thousand times which makes it a very active brand amongst others. It also has dedicated pages for various products and sub brands including diet coke, coke zero, etc. 

Final Post - No Text Chapter - Social Media and Marketing

     Coca-Cola utilizes majority of well-known social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram .  YouTube was the first social media platform Coca-Cola joined. Their first ever YouTube channel went live on January 1, 2006. At present, they have 677, 555 subscribers and millions of views on each post.

Ch. 8 - Segmenting and Targeting Markets

  The stages of the Family Life Cycle at which coca cola is positioned to be sold are young/single, the young married/divorced without children; the middle-aged married/divorced with/without children; and the middle-aged married/divorced without dependent children. F or low level income the company is selling returnable glass bottle; for high level income, the company is selling coke in tins .                       

Ch. 16 - Promotional Planning for Competitive Advantage extra notes

  Comprehensive Distribution System : Coca-Cola has the most comprehensive distribution system in the world. Cola has been able to build an infrastructure that spans over 200 markets in the world. Attractive Packaging : Coca-Cola is the number one brand in the world and its shape was first registered as Coca-Cola bottle. Coca-Cola Company has used a unique and identifiable packaging technique to target the customers.  Coca- cola is one of the largest company of the world. It started with a small company and during the first year, only 9 bottles per day was sold. But now 1.9 million bottles are sold globally, and in many places, it is considered as the number 1 choice of soft drink . 

Ch. 16 - Promotional Planning for Competitive Advantage

  Strong Brand Image:  This is shown by the fact that every child knows at least one brand of Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola makes the brand stronger by maintaining the quality and taste.  Coca-Cola has never compromised on the quality or quantity hence they have won people’s hearts from all over the world. Captivating Advertisements:  Coca-Cola has very captivating advertisements that everyone relates to. Each promotional campaign of this brand comes with engaging stories. 

Ch.10 - Product Concepts extra notes

        The Coca-Cola logo is recognized internationally. The white swirl of the logo stimulates passion and zeal of the youth today.  The colors used in the Coca-Cola logo are red and white, both are pulsating and simple in design, which makes the logo appealing in the eyes of youngsters. The font of the logo is printed in white, with a vibrant red background. Trademark The Coca-Cola bottle, the unique shape and design. Packaging The Coca-Cola Company differentiates itself from other companies not only by the bottle design but the packaging. 

Ch.10 - Product Concepts

 The Coca-Cola Company has been known for their brand, brand mark and brand loyalty. The brand mark of Coca-Cola is the red and white colors and the famous shape of the bottle. Coca-Cola is a brand loyalty, the reason for being a specialty product, it is chosen over other beverages. 

Ch. 18 - Personal Selling and Sales Management extra notes

  Step 4: Developing and Proposing Solutions -  The Coca-Cola Company advertise through social media, a salesperson is more related to the individual carrying out the word of the Coca-Cola beverage.   Which does support the loyalty brand, by marketing Coca-Cola through the individual and specifically drinking the beverage. Step 5: Handling Objectives-  The Coca-Cola loyalty brand are more open to purchasing Coca-Cola beverage but if you have a new customer the steady answer will be yes.  Step 7: Following Up -  The Coca-Cola Company on their main site has information and a feedback site to follow up on their selling process, if it was successful in wants and needs or unsuccessful in certain critiques.

Ch. 18 - Personal Selling and Sales Management

    Step 1: Generating Leads -   The Coca-Cola Company generates leads through advertising and social media, being a part of the region local culture and traditions. The company adapts their product to the norms of the society they will sell their beverage.  Step 2: Qualifying Leads -  The company uses their web site and social media to qualify their leads.   Step 3: Approaching the Customer and Probing Needs -  The Coca-Cola Company website advertises all the elements of stories, blogs, opinions, news, brands, videos, music and more.

Ch. 17 - Advertising and Public Relations extra notes

            The 'Share a Coke C The ‘Share a Coke’ campaign was one of the most successful campaigns for Coca-Cola and resulted in a 2% rise in the sale of soft-drinks. Coca-Cola successfully engaged their audience and consumers by incorporating personal content in the form of names onto their bottles. They ingeniously encouraged consumers to not only buy bottles with their names on them but to also buy and share bottles with the names of their friends and families.